Reverend Karen Laughman
Interfaith Minister

"You have found your true love… the person you want to love and be with forever, and you want a wedding that expresses your love and who you are as individuals and as a couple."
My Intention as a Wedding Officiant: I delight in meeting with couples who have made a loving commitment to each other and in co-creating a wedding that is uniquely personal. I invite all couples of all backgrounds to bring any cultural and religious elements into the ceremony that are meaningful to the couple and to their families.

I have officiated at weddings that are primarily secular or non-religious and at weddings that combine Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and Earth-Centered elements. The most important element of a wedding is that the couple feels joyous, relaxed and present with one another. My intention as your officiant is to create a most memorable day for you and your guests!
Planning Process: Typically, we will meet two times to become acquainted and to create your ceremony. We will talk about your relationship and your vision of your wedding. We will discuss the order of service in the ceremony (Opening Words, Prayers or Readings, Songs, Minister’s Message, Vows, Exchange of Rings, and Closing Words). We then decide on any other rituals in the ceremony such as the Unity Candle, Sand Ceremony, Wine, Water or Flower Ceremony, Hand-Fasting, Breaking of the Glass. Your vows are your sacred pledges, and I am committed to helping you create vows that express your love for each other and the promises that you want to make to one another. I will share some vows for you to consider and/or help you create your personal vows for each other. After our meetings, I will write your ceremony and send it to you for your acceptance, and we can communicate by phone or e-mail as often as you need before your wedding day.
Fee: My fee is generally between $400 and $500, depending upon the complexity of your wedding ceremony, rehearsal and my travel time.